Speaking & Listening
Intent: We believe in giving children a real reason for purposeful talk in a safe and encouraging environment and children will want to talk, discuss, explore, predict, explain and come to their own conclusions. We teach children, through the art of Speaking and Listening, that their views are appreciated and valued by all their peers and adults. Across the curriculum, adults model enriched vocabulary in the classroom which enables children to practise these skills with others.
Progress in Speaking & Listening EYFS & KS1
Progress in Speaking & Listening KS2
Intent: We believe that phonics provides the foundations of learning to make the development into fluent reading and writing easier. Through phonics children learn to segment words to support their spelling ability and blend sounds to read words. The teaching of phonics is of the highest high priority.
Progress in Phonics EYFS & KS1
Intent: We intend that our children are empowered to become enthusiastic and motivated readers who love literature and take enjoyment when reading for pleasure. They have a confidence to read a wide variety of genres and text types and our lessons incorporate the reading of texts that provoke thought within children. Our children grow in their ability to decode words in order to be able to read fluently with understanding – these skills are developed through a supportive network and regular reading time with adults and peer readers alike.
Progress in Reading EYFS & KS1
Intent: We believe that oracy and writing go hand in hand. We ensure that children are given the opportunity to write from experience, to discuss and dramatise their ideas and to collaborate with others. We also believe that reading and writing are intrinsically linked and we aim to foster a love of reading, for a range of purposes and for pleasure, from a young age. Writing tasks will begin with a creative input, with opportunities for talk or to note ideas down in the first instance. This creative process is enhanced by the use of new technologies to allow children to create multimedia texts and to explore the world of film and digital media. Teachers model writing and share aspirational examples before allowing the children the space and time to write independently. As children progress through their writing journey, they are given increased ownership over editing their finished pieces and they are actively encouraged to make ambitious grammatical and linguistic choices. New terminology is introduced as an integral part of English lessons and the skills of transcription, grammatical and phonological awareness are planned for and taught discretely, as appropriate.
Progress in Writing EYFS & KS1
Progression in Writing Process EYFS – KS2
Intent: We intend that our children are empowered to become enthusiastic and motivated readers who love literature and take enjoyment when reading for pleasure. They have a confidence to read a wide variety of genres and text types and our lessons incorporate the reading of texts that provoke thought within children. Our children grow in their ability to decode words in order to be able to read fluently with understanding – these skills are developed through a supportive network and regular reading time with adults and peer readers alike.